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Metal frame in 2 months

The main construction and installation works are completed at the site in Moskovsky.

The installation of the engineering systems and electrical equipment in the parking lot, which is a part of the new residential complex, is coming to the end.

The metal frame of the building, designed by Ferro-Stroy, was assembled in just two months.

Metal frame in 2 months
До сдачи объекта — 0дней ,10 месяцев.
Partnership with the Republic of Belarus
До сдачи объекта — 0дней ,10 месяцев.
Ready parking in Balashikha
До сдачи объекта — 0дней
Metal frame in 2 months

The main construction and installation works are completed at the site in Moskovsky.

The installation of the engineering systems and electrical equipment in the parking lot, which is a part of the new residential complex, is coming to the end.

The metal frame of the building, designed by Ferro-Stroy, was assembled in just two months.

Partnership with the Republic of Belarus

Continued delivery of steel structures to Mogilev of the Republic of Belarus.

The 2nd turn of steel structures is already delivered for the construction of the shopping and entertainment center Park-City in the city of Mogilev of the Republic of Belarus.
The total volume of delivery will amount to 450 tons of steel structures.

The basis of the structural solutions of the trusses of “Molodechno” type using rolled I-beams EVRAZ in both chords of the trusses.


  1. The building has the following dimensions on the plan: -length-84,0 m; -width-30,00 m; the shed has the following dimensions on the plan: -length-84,0 m; -width-13,55 m;
  2. Building operating conditions: – covering design – continuous roll roofing on profiled sheeting; -wall construction of the walls of the type of “Sandwich” with a horizontal layout;
  3. Building volume formed by steel framework load-bearing structures (reinforced concrete columns with ties, floor and roof beams, roof trusses, ties) and the enclosing structures of the coating and walls.
  4. In the transverse direction, the frame is a single-span frame with a rigid coupling of reinforced concrete columns with foundations and articulated connection of the columns with the roof trusses and the attached canopy for the entire length of the building. In the longitudinal direction, the building is a ligamentous frame with rigid reinforced concrete column foundations and hinged support of the steel columns of the framework.
  5. The frame stability is ensured: – in the transverse direction – by the stiffness of the transverse frame; – in the longitudinal direction – by the stiffness of reinforced concrete columns and horizontal connections on the roof and vertical and connections of the columns.
  6. Columns w / b, framing uprights steel.
  7. Covering beams – of welded and rolled I-beams, trusses – of bent welded and rolled profiles.
  8. Gable and single-slope roofing (attached canopy).
Ready parking in Balashikha

Construction of a multi-level metal-frame open parking for 300 cars was completed in Balashikha, Moscow Region. The total area of the object is 8420m2

“Ferro-Stroy will build a stylish parking lot for Vnukovo airport

Ferro-Stroy” company will build a new parking in Vnukovo. The designer of the project is the German company Obermeyer, which is one of the world leaders in designing airport infrastructure. The metal frame building will be erected using Ferro Additive large-span slab technology. The authors of the project have stipulated non-standard design solutions in the architecture, including the transformation of part of the facade into a media screen.

The new parking in Vnukovo Airport will consist of five floors and it will be designed for 1 700 parking slots. The building will be constructed from metal carcasses using Ferro Aditive technology of Ferro-Stroy proprietary design. This technology allows to create the interior space of the parking without walls and columns. It is achieved through the use of steel beams and additive corrugated sheeting which form a floor-to-floor ceiling that does not require internal supports. The main load is borne by the external columns and walls of the building, which is light, strong and inexpensive.

To design the parking in Vnukovo Ferro-Stroy as a contractor engaged Obermeyer, one of the largest consulting firms in Germany in the field of industrial and civil construction.

“Our project with Obermeyer is a rare case of combination of Russian technologies and German design, because usually it is vice versa, – comments Grigory Vaulin, general director of “Ferro-Stroy”. – As the company already had experience in designing buildings for the Vnukovo airport and generally has a wide range of competencies in developing such objects, we decided to work with them. It is our corporate policy to attract reliable and highly qualified contractors, especially if we are talking about strategically important objects.

The parking building has a non-standard and attractive appearance thanks to creative architectural solutions. The exterior structures will be painted white, while the interior rooms will be painted in different bright colors to form individual parking sectors. In this case the first floor will have stained glass glazing in the form of vertical semi-transparent glass stripes. The remaining floors (2-5) will be clad with rectangular panels, which will give the building a lightness, and the southeast façade of the parking will be turned into a solid LED media screen.

Ferro-Stroy” erects multilevel parking lots, multifunctional sports and recreation centers, office and business buildings, schools and kindergartens using a metal frame. Ferro-Stroy has an engineering center for new metal frame products, which conducts research and development in this area. BIM design and end-to-end quality control are being implemented.

The realization of the first apartment block in River Park residential complex is completed

The last lot in the first stage apartment block in the River Park urban quarter has been sold. The sale of the commercial property, commissioned in January this year, has been completed. The developer of the first phase is Rechnikov Invest. The partner in realization of the new building is the company “Metrium”.

The office and business center of the River Park urban quarter consists of 378 apartments with a total area of 27,000 square meters. Sales began in January 2017, the last lot was sold in October of this year. During the sale, the price per square meter increased by more than 30%. The commercial facility was commissioned in January 2020. The office and business center includes three sections united by a stylobate. It contains commercial premises and, in particular, a supermarket.

The complex of apartments in the “River Park” city quarter is a rare example of using metal constructions for the construction of similar objects in Russia. This practice is actively used in many countries, but in our country the metal is mainly used for the needs of the defence industry. However, this technology can also be used to build residential buildings, reducing the construction time compared to monolithic and brick structures.

“Construction of buildings on a metal frame basis is faster and easier,” comments Grigory Vaulin, CEO of Ferro-Stroy Group. – In other countries this technology is widely used, but in Russia it is mistakenly associated only with industrial facilities. In fact the metal frame basis can be used in the construction of residential, office buildings and even individual houses. In this case, this technology allows the builder to build even on sites with difficult soils, groundwater close to the surface, as well as to actively expand the range of apartments. Bearing pillars in such buildings are located mostly along the perimeter, which means that most of the rooms have a free layout with the possibility of easily combining neighboring lots on the site.

Now the second stage of the project is under active construction. In buildings A (a building with apartments), 1 and 2 the monolithic phase is completed, the finishing of the facade work and the installation of engineering systems is coming to an end. In building 3 45% of the monolithic works are finished. The tiles are being laid on the embankment of the “River Park” urban quarter. By the end of October the installation of small architectural forms will start here and in the yards of buildings 1 and 2. The developer of the second phase of the project is OJSC “MSSZ”.

“There is a wide range of lots in the urban quarter “River Park”, – says Natalia Sazonova, development director of the company “Metrium” (member of the CBRE partner network). – Within the first stage the buildings were of comfort class, within the second stage the buyers were offered lots in the buildings of business class. Also in River Park there are apartments and apartments. Thus the developer manages to attract various categories of customers. In particular the apartments are significantly cheaper than the apartments and allow for a smaller amount of money to buy housing of comparable quality.

In the second phase of “River Park” urban quarter realization the minimum price of business class apartments is 7,6 mln. rubles for 34,3 sq. m, apartments – 10,3 mln. rubles for 37,9 sq. m. The buyers can take advantage of mortgage programs from 15 partner banks of the project. It is also possible to buy housing in installments.

International competition “Steel2Real-21”

Ferro-stroy is a certified member of ARSS (Association for the Development of Steel Construction).
Association (ARSS) announces the beginning of accepting applications for participation in the event dedicated to the start of the prestigious VI International competition of students’ works Steel2Real.

This year’s participants are invited to develop architectural and structural solutions for a steel-framed dormitory building based on the competition assignment, which will be announced at the start of Steel2Real’21.

The start of the Contest will take place on October 29, 2020 at 15:00 (Moscow time) in the online format.

The main task is to draw attention to the use of steel structures in civil construction, to lay the foundation for a new generation of specialists able to take advantage of steel-frame construction and to integrate this experience into future projects.

Ferro-stroy” specialists are permanent members of the jury, we are looking forward to seeing the works of the contestants. The authors of the best works will be awarded valuable prizes.

We wish constructive and creative inspiration to the contestants.

PIK announces joint project with Ferro-Stroy Group of Companies

PIK and Ferro-Stroy Group of Companies have agreed on the joint implementation on a parity basis of the project in the west of Moscow.

The project will appear in close proximity to Aminyevskoe Shosse metro station under construction, on a 34 ha site. The total build-out area will be over 984,000 sq.m., part of which will be residential buildings of comfort and business class, and part – social and public buildings, including office buildings and apartments.

PIK has been operating on the market since 1994 and specializes in the affordable housing segment. Since the start of operations, the company has built over 25 mln. m2 of residential real estate. Since 2007 PIK has been represented at the stock market. The Company adheres to the best international standards of corporate governance, which promote successful business development. By the decision of the Russian Government, PIK is included in the list of strategically important companies of the Russian economy.

“Ferro-Building” presented a construction automation project

КVladislav Vasiliev, CEO of Ferro-Building, part of Evraz Group, made a presentation at the Metal-Expo exhibition held as part of the Association for the Development of Metal Construction (ARSS) round table in Moscow. In his presentation he talked about how the company works with metal construction customers and what automation solutions it offers to contractors, investors, designers and steel construction factories.

Ferro-Building works with investors, general contractors, designers, fabricators, builders and other participants in metalwork projects. For each partnership format, Ferro-Building experts have developed individual solutions that automate interaction and product preparation for all project participants. This is what Vladislav Vasiliev, general director of the company, spoke about in his report “Design automation of typical solutions on the example of building coverings for logistics, production, shopping malls as a way to simplify the process of steel structure production planning”.

Particularly for investors Ferro-Building is creating a one-stop-shop service to complete an object from the beginning of the design to the end of the building’s box. And all stages of project implementation can be monitored online.

For technical partners – general contractors, designers, and metalwork factories – Ferro-Building has created a number of information services to automate work with project documentation and online control over project implementation. In fact, the investor, manufacturer, completion supplier and contractor are all included in the project’s single digital ecosystem.

Let me explain how this works in practice with a specific example,” said Vladislav Vasiliev. – For example, we have implemented the control of production (metal structures) using RFID tags. RFID – Radio Frequency Identification allows by means of radio signals to read or write data stored in the so-called transponders or RFID tags. Such tags are placed on all elements of the future steelwork building and record the progress of the production of one or another part of the building. The readiness of the element is color-coded; for example, a part that is ready to be assembled is painted red, while constructions that have not yet been built are painted gray. As a result, project participants can see in real time the future frame of the building and the current level of readiness of all its elements.

In addition, Ferro-Building provides access to its technical solution libraries and plug-ins for design software, as well as to the order list for partner ZMKs (steelworks) and suppliers. It also allows you to accelerate your project work and synchronize the interaction of all project participants.

“Ferro-Building” builds high-tech plant

EVRAZ Ferro-Building has started the delivery of the metal structures for the production complex in Solnechnogorskiy district. The plant for the production of electrical components will appear as part of the Scientific and Technical Center “Elins”. The area of the complex from metal constructions will make 20 thousand sq.m.

Ferro-Building is carrying out the delivery of the complex of metal constructions for the construction of the plant of electronic components of the STC “Elins”. It is about a whole complex of buildings, including administrative and household, manufacturing, warehouses and other buildings. The total area of the buildings for the manufacturer of electronic micro-components will amount to 20 thousand sq.m. Now the builders have already started constructing the buildings of the plant on the site.

Considering the scale of the complex, the work will continue throughout 2021. For each stage of construction, Ferro-Building will design, manufacture and supply the necessary metal structures. Building components will be delivered by truck.

“The choice in favor of the metal frame technology was due to its affordability, flexibility and speed of erection,” comments Vladislav Vasiliev, general director of Ferro-Building. – The construction does not imply “wet” stage of works as in the case of reinforced concrete structures, which increases the speed and accuracy of installation. I also draw attention to the fact that the metal frame was chosen for the construction of a very specific microelectronics production complex, which has, say, the so-called “clean rooms”, where ideal cleanliness is maintained for research and serial assembly of electronic equipment. This shows once again that our construction technology is adaptable to any task in development.

The industrial complex for Elins is not the first object that Ferro-Building designs and builds for the needs of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Previously, the company erected the frame of a building intended for the universal sports complex of the Ministry of Defense “Start”. “Ferro-Building manufactured the metal and envelope structures (sandwich panels, profiled sheeting, roofing “pie”) and then assembled them on the site of the future sports complex.

Six reasons why metal housing should be built in Russia

Only 13% of buildings in Russia are constructed on the basis of a metal frame, whereas in developed countries the share of this technology in construction exceeds 50%. Historically, brick and monolith prevails in Russia, but in the near future metal will become more in demand. Experts of “Ferro-Stroy” company give six arguments in favor of the metal frame housing construction.
Prices for new buildings in Russia increased by 20% last year. Among the many reasons is the increase in the cost of construction. Materials, equipment and fuel prices are constantly rising. The company “Ferro-Stroy” sees the solution to this problem in the use of steel structures that increase the speed of construction, reduce costs, make it more “replicable”, efficient and environmentally friendly.
The speed of construction is a parameter that directly affects the cost of the building. The longer it takes to erect, the more working capital, materials, labor and marketing costs, etc. are required. And from this point of view, Russian builders still mostly choose the most expensive technology – monolithic.
A ten-story monolithic house with seven entrances is erected in 10-11 months on average. The same panel building takes 5 to 6 months. Meanwhile it takes only 4 months to build a similar metal frame object. How do you save time?
Firstly, the so-called “wet stage of work” when the frame of the monolithic building is formed and then it gains strength is excluded, – comments Grigory Vaulin, the general director of the Ferro-Stroy group. – Of course, in summer time such work is preferable to the winter time, but taking into account the long cold period in Russian climate the “wet phase” is extended. In this case, the metal frame is manufactured in the factory and assembled directly on site as a construction set. Climatic conditions do not affect the process.
Second, metal frame houses are built inline. When the upper floors are not yet built, the lower floors are used to build exterior walls, insulation, partition walls, and finishing. To put it simply, the building is erected in parallel processes, not sequentially. Doubling the speed of construction makes it possible to reduce the cost, and thus adapt the market price of housing to the increasingly modest means of buyers”.
Competitive cost price
Building a building made of steel is cheaper than that made of monolith. This is primarily due to lower material intensity, as well as the high speed of construction, which we talked about above. The metal building is about twice as light as a monolithic building. Accordingly, the cost of the foundation is reduced, and logistics costs are reduced by half.
As already noted, metal buildings can be assembled in any season, bypassing the long “wet phase”. Accordingly, costs for construction equipment are reduced. For example, for the construction of relatively small houses enough truck cranes on wheeled chassis. In addition, the need for manpower at the construction site decreases, respectively, the payroll, as well as the construction cycle, that is, the duration of payments.
Mass practice of construction of apartment housing out of metal structures in Russia still does not exist, so it is difficult to accurately estimate the average cost of erecting such objects. Depending on the region, the availability of metalware on the local market, the cost of delivery, staffing, space planning solutions can vary greatly in the cost of construction. However, according to the calculations of Ferro-Stroy experts it is 5-15% lower than for similar buildings made of monolithic frame. World experience also confirms these calculations. For example, in England to build an 8-storey house of 16.5 thousand square meters from the metal frame is 5% cheaper than its monolithic counterpart, while the cost of the building frame is 15% lower than the cost of monolithic.
Although the cost and speed of construction are still key factors for Russian companies, we can not ignore the global trend of “green building”. There is a new criterion – the so-called “carbon footprint”. This is a comprehensive assessment of the amount of carbon dioxide that will be released into the atmosphere during construction, operation, reconstruction and dismantling of the building. In doing so, analysts add up all emissions, even those arising from the mining or production of metal, concrete, bricks, etc.
From this perspective, steel structures are 99% recyclable. In fact, all metal returns to the economy in one way or another in the form of new steel structures, bridges, rebar, cars. At the same time, houses made of concrete and panels are extremely difficult to dispose of, a striking example of which is the renovation, which created the problem of disposal of demolished five-story buildings – millions of tons of construction waste, which must be removed, recycled, and often simply thrown away.
International studies in this field show that a house built on a metal frame is 20% less harmful to nature due to the high percentage of recycling, and simplicity in production and delivery of materials. The carbon footprint of a metal building is 20% less than that of a monolithic building.
Room for planning decisions
It is commonly believed that monolith has no competitors in terms of the breadth of possible planning solutions. This is not true, because according to this characteristic the steel buildings are not only inferior, but even superior to the residential buildings made of reinforced concrete.
The metal frame does not imply load-bearing walls inside the building. Unlike monolithic or panel buildings, the structure of which is supported by load-bearing walls or pylons, in the metal frame the load-bearing function is performed by vertical columns along the perimeter of the structure. And even for a 20-story building the size of such a column does not exceed 40×40 cm, while the wall with a similar carrying capacity – 20×150 cm. Thus, the sellable internal area of the building increases by 10% in a metal-frame house. Accordingly, there is an opportunity to plan a more efficient slicing of rooms
In addition, over time the metal frame building can be radically reconstructed, as, for example, happened with the hotel “Ukraine” and the World Trade Centre. Virtually the entire internal volume of the building, with the exception of the communication ducts, can be reconstructed.
Flexibility of technical solutions
In multi-family housing construction on the basis of a metal frame two technologies can be used – steel and reinforced concrete structures and structures of thin-walled galvanized elements. Steel and reinforced concrete structures are a hybrid of steel frame and monolithic reinforced concrete. In fact, it combines the advantages of monolithic and steel frame technology: the height of interfloor spans is increased, concrete protects structures from corrosion and fire.
Thin-walled steel structures are made of galvanized steel. They are also used to create exterior walls and floors, but sometimes the whole frame consists of profiles made of galvanized sheets. This technology has the advantage of low weight, which speeds up and simplifies construction. Usually thin-walled galvanized elements are used to build low-rise buildings. They form a frame, which is then insulated and clad.
In this case, other quality characteristics (heat insulation, sound insulation, fire resistance) facilities on the steel frame are not behind monolithic or concrete houses.
“Replicability” of construction
The variability of monolithic construction is often cited as an argument in favor of monolithic construction. Concrete structures allow you to create buildings with a variety of architectural forms and layouts.
In the case of metal structures there are no such obstacles. In this case, unlike the panel cathedral elements, the constituent parts of the steel frame is smaller and does not directly affect the architectural features of the building. As a construction set they can be assembled into structures of different configurations. This is especially important for developers of residential complexes of the mass segment, which can vary the architectural shape of the various queues or buildings, using the same structural elements.

“We should also note the marketing advantage of buildings made of metal structures, – concludes Grigory Vaulin, CEO of Ferro-Stroy Group. – There is an opinion in mass consciousness and among many market participants that panel construction is typical for mass segment residential complexes while monolithic construction is suitable for business class buildings. From this point of view, the metal frame is a universal solution, because both Stalinist skyscrapers or New York skyscrapers and typical warehouses in the Moscow region were built using this technology. In fact this technology can be used to build any class of housing.

Ferro-Stroy erects multilevel parking lots, multifunctional sports and recreation centers, office and business buildings, schools and kindergartens using a metal frame. Ferro-Stroy has an engineering center for the development of new metal frame products, which is involved in research and development in this area. BIM-design technologies are introduced, and practical experience in metal construction is constantly taken into account.

Building a “city” in Kosino

“Ferro-Building” participates in the construction of a large shopping and entertainment center “Kosino City” – the company designed and delivered a set of metal structures of buildings for anchor tenants of the future shopping and entertainment center. Engineers of the company managed to reduce floor slabs weight by 200 tons, which allowed to lower cost and speed up construction of the 130-thousand sq. m. complex.

Ferro-Building” company takes part in the construction of shopping and entertainment center “Kosino City” in the East of Moscow on Novoukhtomskoe highway. The total area of the complex will amount to 130 thousand sq. m., and investments in the project are estimated at 7 billion rubles. Ferro-Building” by order of GC “TEN” will supply a set of metal structures for anchor tenants of the shopping center – “Auchan”, “Dextlon” and “Leroy Merlin”. In fact we are talking about three hypermarkets – groceries, sporting goods and household goods. The company was also engaged in installation of the metal frame for the back of Leroy-Merlin and Decathlon.

The project provides for fashion-gallery (25 thous. sq. m), multiplex cinema (3,3 thous. sq. m), food court, ice skating rink (2,5 thous. sq. m), family entertainment complex (1,7 thous. sq. m), and also parking lot for 3,4 thous cars. A fast-food restaurant and full-service gas station will be placed in separate buildings.

“Projects of such large-scale shopping and entertainment complexes are never typical, – comments Vladislav Vasiliev, CEO of “Ferro-Building”. – Even at the design stage we have to solve a lot of complicated technical problems because we are creating buildings for specific tenants and we have to take into account all their needs. In the case of the mall in the east of Moscow, we had to minimize material costs and speed up construction. Our engineers applied solutions in the development of metal structures that reduced the weight of the floor systems by 200 tons.”

Shopping and Entertainment Center “Kosino City” will be put into operation in the I quarter of 2021. This is not the first commercial complex project in Ferro Building’s portfolio. The company reconstructed a shopping mall in Sevastopol by adding a multi-level parking lot to it in 2019. Ferro-Building built a 26,600-square-meter Klyuchevoy multifunctional shopping center in the south of Moscow In 2008.

To implement non-typical and large-scale projects, such as shopping centers, Ferro-Building experts solve a lot of complicated technical tasks. For this purpose the company has an engineering center engaged in research and development and development of structural solutions for metal construction.


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